Electric Cooking Pot

Electric Cooking Pot – Cooking Sauerkraut Recipe.

Electric Cooking Pot

    cooking pot

  • Cookware and bakeware are types of food preparation containers commonly found in the kitchen. Cookware comprises cooking vessels, such as saucepans and frying pans, intended for use on a stove or range cooktop. Bakeware comprises cooking vessels intended for use inside an oven.
  • a cooking pot, usually metal and with a handle, for use on the burner of a stove
  • Any vessel (such as a saucepan), with or without a lid, used to cook food


  • Of, worked by, charged with, or producing electricity
  • (of a musical instrument) Amplified through a loudspeaker
  • (of a situation) exceptionally tense; “an atmosphere electric with suspicion”
  • Having or producing a sudden sense of thrilling excitement
  • a car that is powered by electricity
  • using or providing or producing or transmitting or operated by electricity; “electric current”; “electric wiring”; “electrical appliances”; “an electrical storm”

electric cooking pot

Cooking while remodeling

Cooking while remodeling
There’s no gas connection yet, and no kitchen. This is the interim solution.

All the cooking happens on this …

All the cooking happens on this ...
that is – if there is electric power ;))